On Oct 1st, we’re back at the Hillcrest Lodge with a live demonstration of marquetry by Tom Dolese’s talented wife, Jennifer. Jennifer has been collaborating with Tom on many of his furniture commissions with beautiful marquetry scenes for several years. She studied with Craig Vandall Stevens, a well known marquetry artist, and has perfected her own style with creative designs that incorporate a wide variety of veneers with subtle hot sand shading. She taught a class for NCWA a few years ago and demonstrated her talents during the last shop tour in the Bellingham area. Jennifer is also a member of Artwood, located in Bellingham’s Fairhaven district. For more info see Tom and Jennifer’s website: http://terrafirmadesignnw.com
Pay $35 Annual Dues
"Show us a man who never makes a mistake and we will show a man who never makes anything. The capacity for occasional blundering is inseparable from the capacity to bring things to pass."
Herman Lincoln Wayland (1830 - 1898)