Our first meeting in 2013 (note the date change from January 1st to January 8th) will be an interesting demonstration and discussion on hand plane techniques and sharpening by former NCWA member and author Tony Konovaloff. Tony has been creating furniture and cabinet projects since 1986 and decided very early in his woodworking career to do all his work strictly with hand tools. Initially, he was self-taught, but eventually had the opportunity to attend the College of the Redwoods in Ft. Bragg, CA. His handmade tool cabinet (pictured below) was featured in “The Toolbox Book” by Jim Tolpin. In addition to Tony’s demonstration and discussion, he plans to bring joinery samples, an example of his work, and copies of his book “Chisel, Mallet, Plane and Saw” for those interested in purchasing it. For more information, see Tony’s website: http://tonykonovaloff.com/
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"Basically, I no longer work for anything but the sensation I have while working."
John Gay (1685 - 1732)